What you can recycle at Townmead Road
There are three zones for disposing of waste at the site. Zones 1 and 2 are for residential use only and Zone 3 is for trade waste.
Residents can donate certain household items that are still in good condition at the reuse drop-off area.
Find out what you can and what you cannot recycle.
You can recycle
You can dispose of the following waste types:
Aluminium foil (clean)
Recycle with mixed containers
Includes: milk bottle tops, tops of cartons (yoghurt, cottage/cream cheese or similar), baking/freezing trays, kitchen foil and even foil from cigarette packets. Must be free of significant food remnants.
Excludes: plasticised foil such as crisp packets, coffee bags, tea bags wrapping, some chocolate and sweets wrappers, etc.
Tip - you can easily test if foil is suitable for recycling by scrunching it in your hand. If it stays squashed it is aluminium and can be recycled. If it springs back into shape when it is squashed it is plasticised and cannot be recycled.
There is a container provided where you can recycle household batteries. Batteries are recycled by Battery Back.
For car/lead acid batteries, see below.
Books in good condition can be left for re-use. These are donated to Better World Books which sells them online with a proportion of the revenue going to support literacy, libraries and education globally. Speak to a member of staff on site for more details.
Bric a brac
This includes selected ornamental items as typically found in charity shops at the discretion of site staff.
All usable items are sent for re-use or recycling. Items collected range from CDs to furniture.
Recycle with mixed containers.
Includes steel and aluminium and empty aerosol cans.
Car batteries
You can drop off car batteries for recycling. Please ask one of the assistants where to leave it.
Cardboard and paper
Includes, junk mail, shredded paper (loose), newspapers and magazines, yellow pages and directories, flattened cardboard, envelopes and food and drink cartons - eg Tetra PakTM. Please remove all the bubble wrapping and polystyrene from your cardboard boxes before recycling.
Coffee pods
Collect used coffee, tea, and hot chocolate pods at home in a reusable bag or container, keeping plastic and aluminium pods separate. Tip them loose into the correct Podback container. There is no need to remove coffee grounds.
Construction and demolition waste
Construction and demolition waste disposal charges apply. These are applied to all waste from construction/demolition works as well as anything that once formed part of the permanent fixtures and fittings of your home.
Materials classified as construction and demolition waste include, but are not limited to: hard core, brick, rubble, concrete or paving slabs, decking, fence panels, garden and play sheds, summer, Wendy and tree houses, tiles, roof slates, bathroom and sanitary ware, fitted kitchen and wardrobes, worktops, soil and turf from landscaping garden renovation and other works, doors, windows, roofing materials, plasterboard, structural timber, other building materials.
Electrical equipment
We accept all electrical goods for recycling including mobile phones. If we cannot send an item for re-use then we will ensure that its components are recycled or sent for safe disposal.
Fire extinguishers
Householders only, not commercial businesses.
Florescent tubes
Householders only, not commercial businesses.
Fridges and freezers
This service is free, but we also offer a chargeable service for fridge and/or freezer collections.
Fuels (mixed)
Fuels must be presented in containers with a lid that are fit for purpose.
We can no longer empty containers brought to site, and can only accept mixed fuels if you do not require the containers back.
Green waste
Residents can recycle green garden waste in the designated garden waste recycling bay. This bay can also be used to recycle Christmas trees.
Please remove waste from storage containers and plastic bags and remove all plant pots, string and litter. This is important as all garden waste collected will be recycled into compost and plastic cannot be composted.
Gas bottles
These must be placed in the locked cage (please ask for assistance).
We accept all Calor gas, butane and propane bottles but not oxygen bottles (even if empty). If you are unsure whether we can accept your gas bottle(s), please contact us in advance to check if they will be accepted.
Glass bottles and jars
Recycle with mixed containers.
No Pyrex, mirrors or other types of glass.
General waste
This is only waste which cannot be recycled.
Hardcore and soil
Includes construction and demolition waste, building waste, brick, rubble. (Limited quantities are free of charge for householders).
You can drop off mattresses for recycling. Please ask one of the assistants where to leave it.
We only accept mattresses from personal residential dwellings.
Includes cooking oil and waste engine oil.
Good quality usable paint can be deposited in a special container on site. It is then collected and redistributed for use in the community through the RePaint Scheme.
No rusty tins or empty pots.
Plastic packaging containers
Recycle with mixed containers.
Includes: All household plastic containers including household cleaner and detergent bottles, plastic milk, juice, soft drink and water bottles, plastic food trays. margarine tubs and yoghurt pots. Please wash and squash plastic bottles then replace the lids before recycling.
Excludes: Bottles that have contained motor oil, pesticides, plastic bags or film, shrink or bubble wrap, polystyrene packing or beads or cable ties.
Plastic bags and films bearing the "Recycle with carrier bags at larger supermarkets" can be recycled at larger supermarkets.
Find out more about what plastics can be recycled.
Shoes and textiles
Included: Pairs of shoes, clothes, hats, belts, towels, bed sheets and curtains. These items are re-sold in Traid's charity shops and, developing countries or recycled into stuffing materials or wiper cloths. Please place items in a plastic bag to help keep them clean.
Excluded: Duvets or pillows.
Toner and ink cartridges
They'll be passed on to Greensource Solutions (was ActionAid Recycling), raising funds to help fight poverty in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Wood and timber (sent for energy recovery)
Includes: Wooden furniture, timber off-cuts, flooring, crates/pallets, painted wood, MDF and chipboard.
(Speak to a member of staff on site for advice).
Excluded: Wood treated with creosote.
You cannot recycle
You cannot dispose of the following waste types:
- Household chemicals that are not in the original packaging*
- Unidentified chemicals*
- Fuels and oils not in approved containers*
- Car tyres
- Medical equipment, including laser and radiographic equipment
- Mobility scooters
- Motor vehicles (or parts thereof)
- Unidentified gas bottles
- Oxygen bottles (including medical bottles)
- Fireworks, marine flares or any kind of ordnance
- Food waste for recycling
- Dead animals
- Asbestos in any form
- Old Cine film
- Commercial fridges
- Medicines
- Syringes (used/unused)
If unsure, please ask staff on site. Site management reserve the right to refuse any waste that may compromise safety and/or storage on site.
*These wastes can potentially be collected free of charge by the Household Hazardous Waste Service operated by the Corporation of London on behalf of Richmond.
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