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Policies Map for the Local Plan Review 2015-18

The Council’s Policies Map (formerly called the Proposals Map) will be updated to reflect the Local Plan adopted in July 2018 and March 2020. 

We have produced an interactive map which displays the designations. Layers which are not designated through the Local Plan process, may be updated over time. Where possible these layers are updated to ensure the map shows the latest information. However, it is recommended that you consult the original source for the most up to date data.

A further interactive map has been developed to accompany the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2020.

We have also published a PDF version of the Policies Map (pdf, 9.6 MB). However, please note that due to its large file size only a low resolution version is available online.

Background to changes

As set out alongside the adopted Local Plan, the  Policies Map includes key changes to the following:

  • Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) at Harrodian School, Barnes
  • Other Open Land of Townscape Importance (OOLTI) at St Michael’s Convent, Ham Common
  • Other Sites of Nature Importance (OSNI) at various locations across the borough

In addition, the Key Office Areas, Locally Important Industrial Land and Business Parks and Site Allocations have been added to the Policies Map as set out in Policy LP 41, Policy LP 42/Appendix 6, and Chapter 12 of the Local Plan (pdf, 5.7 MB), respectively.

The boundaries of the designations not identified in the Local Plan itself were set out in the earlier Proposals Map Changes. The only designation amended following the first Inspector’s Report is the OSNI boundary at St Michael’s Convent (pdf, 257 KB).

The majority of other designations were not altered in the Local Plan adopted in 2018.

In regard to the legal challenges, the report on the outcomes of the redetermination by the Second Inspector and the adoption of the Plan in respect of these two matters only was agreed at Full Council on Tuesday 3 March 2020.

The Other Open Land of Townscape Importance (OOLTI) boundary in relation to the St Michael’s Convent (Ham) will be amended on the accompanying Policies Map and added to the final version of the Local Plan (Site Allocation SA17).

Paragraph 5.2.8, relating to Local Green Space, remains as per the Publication Local Plan.

The designation of Udney Park Playing Fields (Teddington) as Local Green Space will be added to the Policies Map.

Read a note explaining what comprises the adopted Local Plan (pdf, 564 KB), including maps relating to the outcomes of the two legal challenges.

Other updates

Archaeological Priority Areas (APAs) are set out in London boroughs' Local Plans. A review of the APAs for Richmond borough in accordance with new APA guidelines was completed by the Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service (GLAAS) in 2022 and have been added to the Policies Map.

The Archaeological Priority Areas Appraisal (pdf, 11.5 MB) for London Borough of Richmond is also available, along with an extract showing the borough-wide overview maps (pdf, 11.6 MB).

Updated: 11 November 2022

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