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We are required to carry out a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) for our area, which assesses the risk of flooding from all sources, now and in the future, taking account of the impacts of climate change.

The SFRA supports and informs the Local Plan, including the site allocations, by assessing the impact that land use changes and development in the area will have on flood risk. The SFRA provides the basis for applying the Sequential Test to development sites, thereby directing development away from areas at highest risk.

In September 2020 the Council updated its SFRA. The report, and the associated web-based mapping delivered as part of the SFRA, is designed to help address local requirements, manage development requirements, and manage the risk of flooding posed to both residents and buildings from the River Thames, its tributaries and other sources such as surface water.

This SFRA will be used to advise Development Management, Emergency Planners and developers on flood risk matters. Planning applicants should refer to the SFRA when carrying out a site-specific Flood Risk Assessment.

SFRA Report 

Interactive maps

The following interactive maps have been developed to accompany the SFRA 2020. They will be updated periodically.:

Further details can be found in Sections 3 and 6 of the Report and in the Appendix.

If you experience any problem downloading any of the documents and/or navigating the interactive maps, please contact the Local Plan Team.


If you would like more information, please contact Local Plan Team.


Updated: 09 May 2022

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