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The Council’s assessments of future housing land supply can be found in the Authority Monitoring Reports on housing, and are linked to information in the Local Plan. In London, the Mayor also produces a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment to inform the London Plan.

Previous assessment in 2008

Government guidance (PPS3 Housing) requires Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments to be drawn up to show that the proposed future supply of housing can be delivered. Practice guidance on how to draw up these assessments was published in July 2007 alongside the Green Paper Homes for the Future: more affordable, more sustainable. However, it is not clear at what level these assessments should be carried out in the London context - whether for London as a whole, for the sub-regions or for individual boroughs.

This paper sets out the housing land availability position in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames in order to provide supporting information for the Core Strategy Preferred Options.  

Local Housing Availability Assessment 2008(pdf, 570KB)

Updated: 03 May 2023

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