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Draft Local Plan: Pre-Publication version

About the consultation

This is an important stage in the process in developing a new Local Plan, known as the 'Pre-Publication' or 'Regulation 18' stage. We consulted until 31 January 2022.

This first draft of the Plan sets out a strategic vision, objectives and spatial strategy, with place-based strategies and thematic policies and guidance to manage growth and guide development across the borough over a 15-year period.

Its development has been informed by a Direction of Travel public consultation which was undertaken in spring 2020.

We sought thoughts and views on the draft Local Plan, particularly from our local communities, businesses as well as landowners and other key organisations in the borough.

Local Plan virtual events

We held a number of virtual events in January 2022 to provide an opportunity to discuss the Local Plan. Find out more about the sessions.

Consultation documents

The key consultation documents were:

These key consultation documents could also be viewed at the Civic Centre, 44 York Street, Twickenham, TW1 3BZ and in the borough's main libraries (from 17 December 2021).

The consultation letter (pdf, 291 KB) was sent to our Local Plan database via email and/or hard copies in the post.

Supporting documents

The 'Pre-Publication' Draft Local Plan was also informed by other supporting documents:

The following documents were also produced to assist anyone responding to the consultation:

Evidence base

There are a number of research and studies forming the Local Plan evidence base. The following were recently updated. Further phases and additional studies are due to be undertaken in early 2022, to inform the final version of the Plan.

How respondents took part

Respondents were able to submit comments online through our consultation portal or by emailing/posting response form (pdf, 202 KB) by Monday 31 January 2022.

Consultation responses

What happens next

Following this consultation, we will consider and analyse all responses received and make changes to the Plan, where appropriate. There will be a further round of public consultation on our final version of the Local Plan (so called 'Publication' or 'Regulation 19' version). This will be the version that we will submit - together with the representations received - to the Secretary of State for independent examination in public. When we reach that stage we will publish a full consultation report, including summaries of issues raised and responses to the comments raised.


If you would like to be kept informed of future progress on the Local Plan, you can opt-in to our Local Plan database by emailing your contact details to

If you would like more information, please contact the Local Plan team at the same email address.

Updated: 12 October 2022

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