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When should you serve the notice?

  • Two months before you start work to the party wall
  • One month before the planned starting date of any excavations

Please note that the notice only lasts for one year before it expires and a new one would then need to be issued.

What happens next?

The people you serve notice upon have 14 days to respond either:

  • Yes – they agree to the work being carried out unconditionally, or
  • Yes – they agree to the work being carried out but with conditions, by serving a ‘counter-notice’
  • Any ‘counter-notice’ must be served within 14 days of the original notice
  • If you do not respond to a ‘counter-notice’ within 14 days, a dispute is regarded as having arisen
  • If the adjoining owner(s) do not respond to the original notice within 14 days, a dispute is regarded as having arisen

Updated: 08 July 2016

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