Apply for a carer's Council Tax discount
You may qualify for a Council Tax discount if a carer providing care or support to other people lives in your home.
About the discount
If you have left your home empty to provide or receive care you may not need to pay anything.
If there is no one living at the property, complete the homes that have been left empty by someone to provide care exemption form.
There are two types of carers that we do not count for Council Tax purposes.
Type 8A
Carers who provide care or support on behalf of a public authority or charity or have been introduced by a public authority or Charity, and:
- are employed to provide care or support for at least 24 hours a week, and
- are paid no more than £36 per week for caring duties, and
- are living at the home where the care is given, or at a home provided by the authority or charity.
Type 8B
Carers who provide care for a person who is entitled to:
- attendance allowance at any rate; or the highest or middle rate of care component of a disability living allowance, or
- an increased rate of disablement pension, or
- an increased rate of constant attendance allowance, or
- the daily living component of personal independence payment (either rate)
The carer must also:
- be living in the same home as the person they are caring for, and
- providing care for at least an average of 35 hours per week (if two or more people care for the same person we can disregard them both if they each provide care for an average of at least 35 hours per week), and
- not be the husband, wife or partner of the person being cared for, and
- not be the parent of the person being cared for, if the person being cared for is under 18 years old.
You will need
- Your Council Tax account number
Before you start
This form is for new applications only.
Do not complete this form if you:
- Already receive this discount - please reapply when you receive a review letter
- Want to tell us about a change to your circumstances
Your personal information provided on this form will be used in accordance with the Council’s Personal Information Policy.
What happens next
We will either reduce the bill or let you know why we have not been able to do so.
If we need more information we will contact you.
Medium - This form usually takes a few minutes to complete
Up to: Council Tax discounts
Updated: 03 June 2021
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