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We are committed to finding the right design for Twickenham Riverside so that residents and visitors can enjoy this beautiful area.

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Scheme details

We are investing in the regeneration of Twickenham Riverside. This exciting new scheme will include:

  • A widened Water Lane pedestrian footway, better connecting the town to the river
  • Two new buildings (Water Lane and Wharf Lane) bookending the re-provided Diamond Jubilee Gardens as public open space at the centre of the scheme
  • Retail, office, and food and beverage units at the ground floor level of the new buildings
  • Residential homes on the upper floors, 50% of which will be affordable housing
  • New open space containing native trees and areas of planting, a children’s play area with a tree house and climbing wall, pétanque pitches, terraced lawns, tiered seating, and a new event space on the river
  • Removal of parking along the Embankment between Water and Wharf Lanes (except an area for servicing Eel Pie Island) in order to prioritise pedestrians and cyclists along the river
  • A river activity zone, with boat storage and a pontoon 

Aerial view of the proposed scheme

Current situation

Following the confirmation of the compulsory purchase order (CPO) at the end of 2023 we have now started the vesting process.

We have also started the procurement process for a building contractor to deliver the scheme.

The table below shows the indicative timetable:

Planned timeline
Type of works Date
Procurement starting Early 2024
Signing pre services contract agreement Mid 2024
Demolition of existing buildings on site Mid/late 2024
Signing main construction contract Early 2025
Start on site Early 2025
Scheme complete Mid 2027


You can read further information about the development below.


In order to deliver a comprehensive and cohesive regeneration of Twickenham Riverside, we had to make a compulsory purchase order.

A CPO inquiry was held in June 2023. View the recordings of the inquiry.

On Thursday 9 November 2023 the CPO was confirmed by the Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State, and on the same date the Secretary of State issued the Section 19 Certificate.

We have now started the vesting process (on Tuesday 21 May 2024). View the sealed and dated General Vesting Declaration 1.

See further information about the CPO.  


The planning application submitted in summer 2021 was approved at Planning Committee on 24 November 2022. View the documents submitted as part of the planning application.

Design competition

This all started back in 2019 when we brought in RIBA Competitions to run a design competition to find an architect-led team to bring forward a design for the Twickenham Riverside site. The team led by Hopkins Architects, and their concept design, were chosen as winners of the competition. 

View further information about the design competition.

Consultation and engagement

There have been several periods of consultation and engagement over the years on the future of the Twickenham Riverside site. 

View information about previous consultations and engagements

Residents’ frequently asked questions

Find the answers to your frequently asked questions on this dedicated page, including questions asked at the online events.

Background information

Updated: 26 July 2024

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