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We commenced a review of parking in the South-East area in response to residents' feedback.


In December 2016, we received petitions from residents of Cambrian Road and Chisholm Road requesting the introduction of a new Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ). These petitions and the local parking conditions were taken into account when deciding the appropriate course of action.

As part of the review we consulted with affected residents to seek their feedback on whether they would wish to see a new CPZ introduced in this area.

Consultation with residents

1st stage consultation - January 2017

This consultation sought feedback from residents on whether they would wish to see a new CPZ introduced in the area.


The consultation closed on Friday 24 February 2017. 


Of the roads consulted, two showed adequate support for a new CPZ to be introduced – Cambrian Road and Chisholm Road.

View the 1st stage results (MS Excel, 26 KB)


A decision was made to progress with the implementation of a new CPZ, the South-East Richmond CPZ (zone A3), in Cambrian Road and Chisholm Road only.

Parking beat surveys

Parking beat surveys were carried in the area during the early part of 2017 to assess the levels of parking demand in the area.

The surveys tried to establish reasonable estimates of the following:

  • residents' vehicles parked
  • all day commuters parked, and
  • short stay vehicles parked.

The estimates were made using our parking beat survey criteria(pdf, 182KB).

The results are shown in graphical form together with a summary by street.

Parking beat survey results (MS Excel, 708 KB)

2nd stage consultation - October 2017

Residents inside the CPZ boundary (Cambrian Road and Chisholm Road) were specifically consulted on what days and hours they wanted the new CPZ to operate.

Residents were also asked for their views on the layout of the parking bays or yellow lines and specifically whether they would prefer a parking bay or a yellow line across their driveway or garage, if appropriate.

Properties outside the new CPZ boundary but situated within the 1st Stage consultation area were consulted on whether they wished to be included in the CPZ.  If the results from roads outside the new CPZ boundary also show majority support, we would consider adding these roads to the CPZ provided an area could be formed.

The consultation closed on Friday 10 November 2017.

2nd stage results

  • Most respondents in Cambrian Road and Chisholm Road wanted the zone to operate Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 6.30pm.
  • There was inadequate support from the other roads in the area.

View the 2nd stage results (MS Excel, 17 KB)


The South-East Richmond CPZ (A3) was implemented on Monday 12 March 2018 in Cambrian Road and Chisholm Road operating Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 6.30pm.

The A3 CPZ was implemented by way of Experimental Traffic Orders to provide a period of operational experience of the scheme and to allow representations to be made during the first six months of operation.

View a plan of the parking bay layout (pdf, 221 KB).

Manning Place

While Manning Place demonstrated a good level of support for a CPZ during the previous consultation in October/November 2017, it did not meet the Council’s criteria at the time. However, since the previous consultation was undertaken, the new Council administration changed the rules and criteria around CPZs.

Given the change in criteria and the reports from Manning Place residents that the introduction of the CPZ in Cambrian Road/Chisolm Road had led to non-residents parking regularly in the road and causing access issues, the decision was taken to re-consult. Residents were advised that if the CPZ were extended into Manning Place, the hours of operation would be the same as the rest of the A3 Zone (8.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Saturday) and entry signage and some small repeater signage on existing street furniture would be required, denoting ‘permit holders only parking’, but no lines.

The consultation started on 5 October and ended on 9 November 2018.


  • 88% of those who responded to the consultation supported the extension of the South-East Richmond CPZ (A3) into Manning Place
  • 88% of those who responded to the consultation attributed their parking problems to vehicles belonging to non-residents


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Transport, Streetscene and Air Quality has now made the following Cabinet Member Decision which can be viewed below:

South-East Richmond CPZ (A3) (Manning Place) - Results of Consultation


The live date for the A3 extension in Manning Place will be Monday 11 February 2019. You must display a valid permit when parking within the zone from this date. Although warning notices will be issued from 11 February to 2 March, PCNs will be issued from Monday 4 March 2019.

View a copy of the letter sent to residents (pdf, 227 KB) with more information about implementation and how to apply for a permit.

More information

To find out more contact us by email at or call 020 8891 1411.

Updated: 17 February 2022

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