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We are reviewing parking in the North Teddington area.


We are reviewing this CPZ which was introduced in March 2017 (10am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday), following consultation with residents and businesses in the area. 

The boundary and layout of parking restrictions (pdf, 326 KB)

The review is in two parts:


The consultation with residents of Cambridge Road, Linden Grove and Waldegrave Road (part) to see whether they would wish to be included in the CPZ that was carried out in July. The results of this consultation showed insufficient support for a CPZ extension so these proposals will not be progressed any further at this time.


We carried out a review of the new CPZ area (pdf, 225 KB) to see how it has worked during its initial period of operation. This review included a consultation with all residents and businesses. Parking beat surveys were carried out to provide additional information on the effectiveness of the new parking controls.

As part of the early stages of this review, we noted any feedback received on the operation of the zone. In addition, we reviewed the arrangements for parking by parents at Newlands House School. A temporary dispensation has been in place since the zone was implemented allowing parents to park in the permit holder bays between 3 to 4pm to pick up their children from the school. This dispensation was granted to give us the opportunity to consider the parking requirements for parents.

Residents and businesses within the CPZ were asked for their views on the operation of the CPZ and on whether they wanted the operational hours/days to be reduced, extended or the existing ones retained. As part of this review, we also considered parking options to improve access to local amenities. Views were also invited from those who do not live within the zone. The consultation closed on Monday 19 March 2018. 

Parking beat surveys

These were carried out to assess the current parking demand in the zone since its implementation. View the beat surveys results (MS Excel, 610 KB).


  • Retain the existing CPZ’s operational hours/days (Monday to Friday, 10am to 4.30pm)
  • Re-designate some bays to allow short-stay visitors to park to serve local businesses and amenities such as the Newlands House School. 
  • Discontinue the parking dispensation between 3pm and 4pm for parents once these changes have been completed
  • Increase the allocation of business permits from two to three
  • Consider if further changes to the zone are warranted in the future, in light of comments concerning the provision of parking for businesses
  • Create five or six extra spaces by removing some old kerb build-outs.

The changes are to be introduced on an experimental basis. See Preliminary design below.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Transport, Streetscene and Air Quality made the following Cabinet Member Decision:

This replaced the previous report.

Final design

Thank you for your comments, which have been fully considered and have proven a useful aid in refining the design.  

View the final design:

A summary of the main points:

  • There will be no shared use bays in Arlington Road
  • There are no proposals to remove islands in the centre of the road, only the build-outs at the edge
  • We have noted the requests to replace the CPZ sign opposite No.33 Teddington Park
  • We have corrected the plan to show the removal of the build-out outside 106
  • In light of the representations, we have removed the shared use bay at the end of Cambridge Rd
  • In response to the concerns about the effect of business parking on availability for residents, especially in Claremont Rd, we have carried out further surveys in the T1 zone and will continue our investigations during a wider review of the Teddington area in September
  • The dispensation for parents has now ended and will no longer apply when the new school year starts in September. We will be writing to Newland House School shortly reminding them of this

The changes to the CPZ will be implemented by way of an Experimental Traffic Order and will be monitored over the first six months of operation. Implementing the changes in this way will provide a period of operational experience and allows for representations to be made during its first six months of operation.


Implementation of the shared-use bays will not commence until Monday 4 November 2019. Until then, they will continue to operate as permit holder only bays.

Warning notices will be issued from Monday 28 October to Friday 1 November 2019. Penalty Charge Notices will be issued to any vehicles parked without a valid permit or not paid for parking from Monday 4 November 2019.

The dispensation for parents parking between 3 to 4pm will remain in place until then. 

Updated: 17 February 2022

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