My Account

If your circumstances change you must tell us straight away because it may affect the amount of benefit you get.

Changes you must tell us about

You must let us know if:

  • There is a change in yours or your partner’s income
  • There is a change in yours or your partner’s savings and capital
  • You stop getting Universal Credit, Income Support, Job Seeker's Allowance or any other Social Security benefits
  • There is a change in your rent
  • You or your partner are moving home
  • You or your partner change jobs
  • Someone moves into or out of your home
  • Anyone living in your home goes away temporarily, such as into hospital or into prison
  • Anyone living in your home starts work, stops work or there is a change in their income
  • There are changes that result in Child Benefit stopping for a dependant

Who should tell us

A benefit claimant is always responsible for notifying a change in circumstances.

The claimant's partner or people appointed to act on behalf of a claimant are also required to report changes.

Landlords should also report changes that they could know about, for example if a claimant has moved out or started work.

Report a change

You can report a change in your circumstances online, or by post.

Only report a change if you are already in receipt of Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction from Richmond Council.

If you are currently claiming in another borough you will need to complete a new claim form.


Notify us of a change in circumstances including change of address through our benefits online service.

The evidence checklist generated at the end of the form will provide you with a list of the supporting evidence that is required to calculate your claim. You should give us as much information as possible about the change. If we need any supporting evidence we will contact you to request this.

Start report

If you fail to tell us

If you do not tell us within one month of a change that affects your benefit you may lose out if your benefit is increased. We will usually only pay you the extra benefit from the date that you tell us about the change.

If you do not tell us about a change and you are paid too much benefit, this will create an overpayment and you will have to pay this money back.

Updated: 16 May 2024

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