About the Air Quality Action Plan
The current Air Quality Action Plan details how we intend to tackle air pollution over the period 2020 to 2025. You can view the adopted version of the plan (pdf, 4.2 MB) online.
Our Annual Status Report contains details of all progress achieved to date in meeting the Air Quality Action Plan. Please see the section entitled Air Quality Action Plan Progress, in the second half of each report. Read our Annual Status Reports and Air Quality Action Plans.
The plan has been split into navigable categories which are all equally important to delivering clean air in the borough:
- Monitoring of air pollution
- Changing our environment
- Changing behaviour
- Tackling air pollution
- Protecting our schools
- Community action
- Appendix 1: Current Air Quality (pdf, 767 KB)
- Appendix 2: AQ Management Areas & Focus Areas (pdf, 326 KB)
- Appendix 3: Pollution Sources (pdf, 599 KB)
Air pollution in the borough
Air pollution in Richmond exceeds the legal objectives for both nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and PM10 (particles less than 10 microns) levels. As with PM10, smaller particles (PM2.5) are also an issue for the borough, as they are throughout London. In 2017 in some locations in the borough, these were double the legal objectives and in 2018 were still too high. There are a number of different sources of pollution including sources outside the borough. Those inside the borough include domestic heating, construction and vehicles.
The overwhelming contributor to air pollution in the borough is from road transport. All exceedances of our borough are along our main roads and highways, and in our town centres.
Useful resources
The Air pollution pages on our website cover a wide range of related topics including air quality information, data and projects in the borough, suggested ways and campaigns to reduce pollution, and how to get air pollution forecasts.
Our online air quality reports include annual status reports which provide updates on air quality monitoring locations and the levels of different pollutants recorded in the borough.
Up to: Air Quality Action Plan
Updated: 05 January 2024
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