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Council Tax bands and charges

The amount of Council Tax you pay depends on which band your property is in.

How your bill is calculated

The total bill is made up of two elements – the Richmond element, which we set, and the Greater London Authority element, which is set by the GLA.

As part of the Local Government Finance Settlement 2024/25 the Secretary of State offered local authorities with adult social care responsibilities the option of increasing Council Tax by up to 2.99% without the need for a referendum, plus a further increase of up to 2% which must be spent on protecting adult social care.

For 2024/25, we opted to increase by 2% for adult social care and 2.99% for general expenditure, making an overall increase of 4.99%.

Combining this with the increase in the Greater London Authority element of 8.6%, the overall Council Tax payable for 2024/25 has increased by 5.7%.

Read our Guide to Council Tax and Business Rates (pdf, 2.8 MB) to find out more about our charges.

Council Tax bands for 2024/25

Richmond Council Tax (2024/25)


Greater London Authority (2024/25)


Total Council Tax charge (2024/25)


A 1,194,84 314.27 1,509.11
B 1,393.98 366.64 1,760.62
C 1,593.12 419.02 2,012.14
D 1,792.26 471.40 2,263.66
E 2,190.54 576.16 2,766.70
F 2,588.81 680.91 3,269.72
G 2,987.09 785.67 3,772.76
H 3,584.51 942.80 4,527.31


Council Tax bands are based on how much the properties would have sold for on 1 April 1991 as determined by the Valuation Office Agency.

Premium for empty and unfurnished properties

From 1 April 2019, properties that have been unoccupied and unfurnished for more than two years will be charged an additional premium of 100% Council Tax.

From 1 April 2020, this premium increased to 200% for properties that have been unoccupied and unfurnished for more than five years.

From 1 April 2021, the premium increased to 300% for properties that have been unoccupied and unfurnished for more than ten years.

This is regardless of any change of ownership during that period.

If you think your band is too high

The Valuation Office Agency can advise you how to proceed if you think your Council Tax band is wrong.

If you make an appeal, you still have to pay your Council Tax bill based on the current band until the appeal is decided.

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Updated: 18 July 2024

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