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Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

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The MARAC is a monthly risk management meeting where professionals share information on high risk cases of domestic violence and abuse and put in place a risk management plan.


The MARAC aims to:

  • Share information to increase the safety, health and well-being of victims/survivors, adults and their children
  • Determine whether the alleged perpetrator poses a significant risk to any particular individual or to the general community
  • Construct jointly and implement a risk management plan that provides professional support to all those at risk and that reduces the risk of harm
  • Reduce repeat victimisation
  • Improve agency accountability, and
  • Improve support for staff involved in high-risk domestic abuse cases

SafeLives provides general information on MARACs and quality assures MARACs nationwide.

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How does the MARAC operate?

The MARAC is chaired by a Detective Inspector and is coordinated by the Community Safety Partnership.

The MARAC meets on a monthly basis on the third Wednesday of every month. All MARAC referrals must be submitted by 5pm on the first Wednesday of every month.

All participating agencies sign up to an Information-sharing and the Operating Protocol, which set out the meetings' process. Participating agencies include representatives of statutory services such as the Police, Probation and Children’s and Adult’s Services, as well as voluntary and community organisations.

Any agency invited to attend the MARAC on a case-by-case basis is required to sign up to these protocols.

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MARAC referrals

There are currently four criteria for referring a case to MARAC:

  • Visible high risk
  • Professional judgment
  • Potential escalation
  • Repeat cases

To make a referral, complete the form below and send it via secure email, to Please ensure you password protect the document unless you are able to select Official Sensitive in your email options.

Further help

If you need advice on completing the forms or any other aspects of the MARAC process, you can speak to the MARAC coordinator. Please contact the Community Safety team to request a call back.

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If you are a victim who has been referred to the MARAC

This leaflet for victim/survivors(pdf, 1316KB) explains what the MARAC does. The MARAC coordinator has hard copies if required.

MARAC training

To support agencies and staff participating in the MARAC, the Community Safety Partnership facilitates a free two day training course in Domestic Abuse and MARAC, which can be booked through Adult Social Care Training. Training can also be organised on a team-by-team basis. If you are not sure how to book the training, please contact the Community Safety team for advice.

Updated: 26 January 2023

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