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Make a referral to the Single Point of Access

Use this form to tell us about a child, young person or parent/carer who requires support in the boroughs of Kingston and Richmond.

You may be concerned about the child's developmental needs, issues that the parent or carer is experiencing, or you suspect a child is being neglected or subjected to physical, sexual, or emotional abuse.

Before you start

If you are concerned about a child being at risk, or your referral requires a timely response, you should phone the SPA on 020 8547 5008 for guidance prior to completing this form.

In an emergency

If you think a child is in immediate danger you should call 999.

If you need to speak to someone urgently outside of office hours, please call the Duty Social Worker on 020 8770 5000.


It is your responsibility to ensure you have received informed consent to share the information you will provide within this referral form.

  • Consent should be sought from the parent/carer unless obtaining this consent will place the child at further risk of significant harm – obtaining consent should not delay a request for support being made.
  • Young people aged 16 or 17 are presumed to be competent for the purposes of consent however professionals should encourage young people to involve their parents particularly where significant decisions relating to healthcare treatment need to be made.
  • In some cases consent for treatment purposes may be given even where a child objects.

You will need

  • Details of the child.
  • Details of the parent or carer of the child.
  • To identify the child or young person's needs that are causing concern.
  • Any supporting documents that you wish to attach. Please be aware that the total file size should not exceed 3MB.

The SPA and its referral form are covered by the Achieving for Children privacy notice.

What happens next

  • A qualified professional will review the information and make a decision within 24 hours about the next appropriate steps.
  • Concerns relating to the welfare of a child will be assessed by a qualified social care manager.
  • Health concerns will be triaged by a qualified mental health clinician and/or signposted to the most appropriate healthcare service to clinically assess.
  • The SPA will contact you 72 hours after you made contact, in order to provide feedback on your referral.

Start my referral

Updated: 13 November 2023

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