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Subject: Temporary Accommodation

Reference: LBR-FOI-00344

  • The total cost for temporary accommodation supplied by private landlords (not from council or housing associations)

  • The total number of tenants placed into temporary accommodation supplied by private landlords

  • The total void cost for temporary accommodation supplied by private landlords (it should include any reserve and void payments). Plus, the total number of void days.

  • The total number of employees that are involved to procure and reserve properties from private landlord. Plus, the total staffing cost for these employees (salary, insurance etc).


Part Disclosed - 26 January 2023

Request for Information - LBR-FOI-00344 - Temporary Accommodation

I refer to your request for information received on 06 January 2023. Please see the information below in response to your request: -

  • The total cost for temporary accommodation supplied by private landlords (not from council or housing associations)?

    £4,185 (Please note gross only).

  • The total number of tenants placed into temporary accommodation supplied by private landlords?

    Please note that this information is already publicly available on the Council's committee website here. Refer to item 24 and its appendices.

  • The total void cost for temporary accommodation supplied by private landlords (it should include any reserve and void payments)? Plus, the total number of void days?

    Please note that Wandsworth Council does not record a breakdown of the total void cost like this and only hold the total temporary accommodation cost. Please see our answer to Q1 above. The total number of void days for temporary accommodation supplied by private landlords is 4,247 days, or an average of 48 days.

  • The total number of employees that are involved to procure and reserve properties from private landlord? Plus, the total staffing cost for these employees (salary, insurance etc)?

    x2 managers, salary scale £41,435 - £50,209. x13 officers, salary scale £36,134 - £43,785.

    I hope this information meets your needs. If you do not understand the information provided or wish to discuss anything further, please feel free to contact us.

    Please note, all material provided by the Council in response to your request for information is for your personal, non-commercial use. The Council reserves all rights in the copyright of the information provided. Any unauthorised copying or adaptation of the information without express written confirmation from The Council may constitute an infringement of copyright. Any intention to re-use this information commercially may require consent. Please forward any requests for re-use of information to the FOI officer.

    If you are dissatisfied with the information provided in relation to your request, you may make representations to the Information and Transparency Manager. Any such request for an internal review should be made within 40 days from today's date. Correspondence should be addressed to:

    If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision at:


    FOI and DPA Officer

Please note that our responses were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of release, and have not subsequently been updated. This information should be considered an historical record only.