Make an FOI request
Use this form to submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
You will need
Your name and contact details, so we can reply to you.
Before you start
Make sure your question isn’t already on our website.
In most cases, information will be supplied free of charge. However, in some circumstances, a charge may be applicable for some information, for example paper copies sent out by post.
You will be advised of any costs before any information is sent to you.
Some information may fall under one of the exemptions under the Act and therefore may not be released. If this is the case, we will tell you which exemption has been applied and the reasons for our decision.
The Information Commissioner's website has more information on exemptions.
What happens next
Your request will be processed and the information will be sent directly to you at the postal or email (if appropriate) address you have supplied on this form.
We aim to provide the information within 20 working days of receiving your completed form.
Should our response to you breach the statutory time frame you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner.
Should you wish to revise your request you can contact us at the following details:
Post: FOI Team
Civic Centre
44 York Street
If you are not satisfied with the way we have handled your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act or Data Protection Act, you can make a complaint.
Medium - This form usually takes a few minutes to complete
Up to: Freedom of Information
Updated: 18 August 2023
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