North Worple Way traffic reduction scheme
A traffic reduction scheme will come into operation in the North Worple Way area, Mortlake. It will be introduced under an experimental Section 9 Traffic Management Order coming into force on Monday 30 September 2024.
The scheme will introduce a restricted vehicle access point on North Worple Way, west of the junction with Avondale Road. Every property within the area remains accessible without crossing any camera control points.
The restriction will apply 7am to 7pm Monday to Sunday for westbound vehicle movements only. These times cover the peak intervals and incorporate both school travel periods.
Non-exempt vehicles will be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) if passing through the restriction during the controlled periods. Road signs indicate where non-exempt drivers are not allowed to go.
The scheme uses intelligent camera technology to ensure that exempt vehicles can use the area freely.
View the map for camera locations and signage.
The restriction will not apply to residents and businesses who are eligible for an exemption permit, emergency services, hackney carriages and cyclists.
Vehicles must be registered at an address within the approved exemption area. You can apply for an exemption for up to a maximum of four vehicles per address.
If you are a resident but your vehicle is registered to an address outside the catchment area (e.g. a company or lease hire car) you can still register for the scheme, as long as the rental agreement shows the residential address, Vehicle Registration Number (VRN), and the your name.
Replacing an existing vehicle registration already on the exemption list with a new registration
If you have changed your vehicle registration, you must amend your exemption accordingly by making an application as you would for a new vehicle to be added to the exemption list.
When you add the new vehicle registration, you will be asked if this application is to replace a vehicle you have previously registered for exemption. Enter the registration to be removed in the relevant text box and continue to complete the form, submitting at the end.
Removing a vehicle
If you have moved house or sold your car and no longer need access to the North Worple Way restriction, email including details of the Vehicle Registration Number (VRN) to be removed from the exemption list
Apply for an exemption
Only eligible postal addresses will be visible on the form.
It is your responsibility to ensure that all details are correct on the application, including your vehicle registration number and the correct documents uploaded. Failure to do so may result in delays processing the exemption request.
Documents provided must confirm:
- The name of the driver
- Vehicle registration number
- Address
You can upload scanned images, or photos of your documents taken by your phone or camera. These are a list of documents that can be accepted:
- Vehicle registration / V5C
- Motor insurance – current year
- Company car letter - dated within the last three months
- Vehicle hire or lease agreement - you must submit a copy of the current agreement
After you apply
You will receive a confirmation email that acts as your virtual permit. There is no need to display this in your vehicle.
We will only contact you if we need to request additional information in relation to your application. If you do not hear from us, your application was successful.
The exemption takes 48 hours to activate, It is important that you do not travel through the restriction point until after this time period.
Access for non-permit holders
This scheme has been designed so that all properties can be accessed at all times, including for visitors and deliveries, without being required to cross the camera control point.
New routes
As a result some destinations will need to be accessed using new routes during the hours of restriction:
- Roads to the west of Avondale Road (bounded by Sheen Lane, Mortlake High Street and the railway) will need to be accessed from Mortlake High Street via Vineyard Path
- Any vehicles needing to exit the area, east of Avondale Road, will not be permitted to travel westbound along North Worple Way beyond its junction with Avondale Road
This zone map indicates how the ‘western zone’ roads to the west of Avondale Road can be accessed at any time without passing the camera control point. Refer to the key in the map that explains how the restriction only operates in one direction (east to west).
View the following maps:
- Scheme plan - highlights the necessary signage, associated civil works, and the enforcement camera location.
- Exemption area plan - shows the area (addresses) where applications for exemptions can be made from
- Traffic reduction zone map - shows how non-residents can avoid the restrictions/enforcement camera during operational hours of the scheme.
Background to the scheme
The long-term closure of Hammersmith Bridge has displaced traffic to adjacent crossings of the River Thames. The main road network in this area can become congested during peak hours due to higher traffic volumes and as a result, drivers seek alternative routes resulting in residential roads becoming a through route for traffic.
In February 2024, a scheme was considered and approved at the Transport and Air Quality Services (TAQ) Committee to remove through traffic from North Worple Way area.
The scheme was developed following consultation with local residents and ward councillors. Further background, including scheme benefits and residents’ initial feedback to the proposal can be viewed in the Transport & Air Quality Decision Report.
The new measures are designed to address the predominant east to west rat-run on North Worple Way, with the residents most impacted by the restrictions exempt and able to travel along North Worple Way in both directions and at any time without restriction, subject to being on an approved residents’ exemption list.
Assessing effectiveness
The scheme is being implemented on an experimental basis to allow for an assessment of its effectiveness and will operate under an Experimental Traffic Management Order. This will become operational on 28 September 2024, with the statutory public consultation period running for at least six months following the introduction of the scheme.
The North Worple Way traffic order will be published on 20 September 2024.
Reviewing the scheme
Following the six-month period, we will write to all residents within the approved exemption area seeking views before a formal decision is taken on the future of the scheme.
As well as residents' views, the success of the scheme will be measured by reviewing traffic volumes across the North Worple Way area, most notably along North Worple Way, but also through an assessment of conditions on Alder Road and Avondale Road. We will also be considering pollution levels and scheme compliance.
We will review and possibly amend the operation of the scheme if necessary, and decide within 18 months to either make the restrictions permanent, or remove them completely.
If you would like to raise any comments, concerns or suggestions relating to this scheme, or experience any issues with regards the exemption process, email
It may not be possible to respond to all emails received. However, your comments will be recorded and considered at the end of the six-month experimental period.
Up to: Transport schemes
Updated: 04 November 2024
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