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St Richard Reynolds Catholic College - SS4

The School Street is set up in two parts - an outer perimeter and an inner ANPR camera enforced core.

The drawing linked at the bottom of this page shows the two areas in blue (outer perimeter) and grey (inner ANPR area). Both have been made permanent with Traffic Management Orders and are no longer proposals as the drawing suggests.

Outer perimeter

The outer perimeter was also approved at the September Transport and Air Quality committee, and this is enforced by signs only. This includes Sherland Road, Lion Road (Edwin Road to Grove Avenue), Lion Avenue, Laurel Avenue, Lansdowne Close, Albert Road, Prado Path and Grove Avenue. This is to reduce the cars attempting to cut through only to be stopped at Grove Avenue and Sherland Road when they reach the ANPR signage.

Residents and businesses located in this outer perimeter are not eligible for exemption to enter the inner ANPR enforced core, and neither are their visitors. Drivers not eligible for exemption into the inner core, as explained below, may not travel through this area. The proposed outer perimeter is signed as shown in the top image alongside.

Inner area

The inner area includes Clifden Road from a point set back from the junction with Heath Road to junction with Station Road, Copthall Gardens from junction with Holly Road to junction with Clifden Road, Station Road/Staten Gardens/Lion Rd from junction with Sherland Road to junction with Grove Avenue and Tudor Gardens.

Only residents and businesses located within this inner core area and their visitors are eligible to apply for exemption to enter the ANPR restricted area if they meet the exemptions criteria below. This core area is currently enforced by ANPR and is signed as shown in the bottom image alongside.

Hours of operation

The ANPR enforced inner core and signage only outer perimeter is in operation Monday to Friday from 7.45 to 9.15am and 2 to 3.30pm, during term time only.

View the term times for St Richard Reynolds Catholic College.

The School Street signs will still be displayed during school holidays and half term breaks. It is not a statutory requirement to remove them.


Signs will warn drivers of the days and times when the School Street is enforced and ANPR cameras enforce the restrictions for the inner core.


In addition to the exemptions that apply to all of our School Streets, St Richard Reynolds School Street SS4 has additional exemptions, due to its size.

For ANPR exemptions these apply only to residents and businesses located within the inner ANPR enforced core and their visitors:

  • Residents and businesses within the School Street (up to 4 vehicles per address, but please email if you require more)
  • Blue badge holders visiting a property in the inner ANPR enforced core of the School Street
  • Long term/regular visitors and services e.g. care workers/informal carers/childminders/nannies/dog walkers/school staff/employees/cleaners/gardeners etc for regular visitors and services serving the properties within the inner ANPR enforced core of the School Street
  • Taxis (private hire) serving a property within the inner ANPR enforced core of the School Street
  • Short term/one off/ad hoc visitors and services e.g. deliveries/visitors/builders/tradespeople etc for one off ad hoc services and visitors of properties located within the inner ANPR enforced core of the School Street
  • Parents, carers and guardians of pupils attending Strathmore School and this schools staff


View a drawing of the St Richard Reynolds School Street (pdf, 822 KB) which has been made permanent and is no longer a proposal.


View the Transport and Air Quality committee minutes and decision (Item 6) relating to this School Street.

View the Traffic Management Order relating to this School Street.

Next steps

We will continue to endeavour to make School Streets more visible in the borough whilst still using the regulation DfT signs as is necessary to make them enforceable.



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