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Early engagement sessions were held after the school requested we investigate a School Street at Sheen Mount Primary School.

The engagement took the form of an evening drop-in session for residents and the school community and an after-school pop-up session at the school gates for parents and carers. We discussed concerns, local information, and potential actions over a blank map.

The feedback was shared with engineers who designed two options based on resident, parent and carer feedback. We held a pre-trial consultation to seek community views on these proposals, more formally with more engagement sessions alongside whilst the consultation was open.

Current status

The results of the pre-trial consultation have been considered and discussed with local ward councillors and option one was considered the best option to trial based on resident and school community feedback and monitoring data.

Option one included a ANPR camera enforced School Street on West Temple Sheen (between Christchurch Rd and Temple Sheen Rd). Residents will be informed in due course when the scheme is ready for trial and the consultation will then reopen for six months.

Hours of operation

Following feedback received the hours of operation are suggested to be Monday to Friday 8.15 to 9.15am and 3 to 3.45pm, during term time only. These can be reviewed during the trial process.

View the term times for Sheen Mount Primary School.

How it works

School Street signs and advanced warning signs will notify drivers of the School Street and it’s operating times.

The School Street signs will still be displayed during school holidays and half term breaks. It is not a statutory requirement to remove, cover or close them.

Shared ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) cameras are proposed to enforce the restrictions once installed and signs will indicate that.


During the operating times people walking, scooting, using wheelchairs, mobility scooters and cycles (including adapted cycles) are able to enter the School Street.

Motor vehicles are prohibited during the operating times, subject to a limited number of exemptions. Find out more about School Streets exemptions.


View a drawing of Sheen Mount Primary School Street option 1.

More information

View the Transport and Air Quality committee minutes and decision (Item 28) relating to this School Street.

Next steps

We will continue to endeavour to make School Streets more visible in the borough whilst still using the regulation DfT signs as is necessary to make them enforceable.

Updated: 09 December 2024

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