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White Hart Lane (Zone B2) proposed extension and amendments

In May 2023, Traffic Management Orders were advertised formally proposing:

  1. An extension of Zone B2 to the following roads: Westwood Road, Westwood Gardens, Leconfield Avenue, Sutherland Gardens, Grosvenor Avenue, Grosvenor Gardens, Avenue Gardens, and Upper Richmond Road West
  2. The conversion of all permit holder spaces outside the old Barnes Hospital site in South Worple Way to allow both permit holders of Zones ES and B2 to park at this location.

Following this, the decision has been made to implement these changes to the CPZ.

View the decision

Note: the proposal to extend the CPZ operational hours/days of the scheme in Fitzgerald Avenue and Buxton Road from Monday to Sunday, 8.30am to 6.30pm will not be implemented at this time, pending a review in the future.

View the latest detailed design.

Work is underway to bring the scheme into operation on Monday 27 November 2023.


Find out more about previous White Hart Lane CPZ consultations and decisions.


For more information about this scheme, email

Updated: 10 October 2023

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