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We have carried out a parking consultation in a number of roads in the North Barnes controlled parking zone (CPZ) Zone B1 near to Hammersmith Bridge. This consultation sought feedback on the possibility of some or all of these roads joining the Hammersmith Bridge (Zone B) which operates for longer hours.


This consultation was undertaken following requests (including petitions) received from residents to increase the operational hours of the controlled parking (CPZ) Zone B1, in this area (currently 10am to noon, Monday to Friday).

The petitions received were from Lillian Road, Glentham Road, Glentham Gardens, Merthyr Terrace and Arundel Terrace. It is understood that the reasons for these petitions/requests was to address the increased demand for parking by visitors who park and proceed into Hammersmith when this zone does not operate. It is alleged that this activity has substantially increased since the closure of Hammersmith Bridge in 2019 presenting difficulties for residents and their visitors to park in the area.

Consultation results

The consultation opened on Sunday 4 November and closed on Sunday 4 December 2022.

View the results and consultation report.

In summary, the results showed support for Zone B to be extended to an area of Zone B1. Due to this, we will be formally advertising (Traffic Management Orders) to extend Zone B. More updates on this will be provided on this page soon.


To find out more contact us by email at or call 020 8891 1411.

Updated: 09 May 2023

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