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The Richmond CPZ (Zone A) was first introduced in 1973, by way of a Traffic Order made by the former Greater London Council (which was the order-making authority for the whole of the Greater London area until its abolition in 1986). The Order was amended (34 times) and consolidated (thrice) between then and 2007, including an amendment which introduced the sub-zones of A1 and A2 in 1991. In 2007, two new orders were made by the Council which made separate provision for the A1(Richmond Town) and the A2 (Richmond Hill) zones, and revoked what was then the current order for Zone A.

Copies of the orders referred to above are not part of the on-line traffic order library but may be inspected at the Civic Centre. For particulars of the Richmond Town Zone and the Richmond Hill Zone, please refer to the relevant pages

Updated: 09 November 2020

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