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Parking Charges

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New or recently updated notices can be found on the new Public and traffic notices page.

There are no longer (as from 10 June 2011) any parking charges in force in the borough based on the vehicle emissions, other than unexpired permits issued before 1 February 2011. Residents’ vehicles which are “Band A” (CO2 emissions equal to or less than 100 grams per kilometre) are exempt from all parking charges and permit charges (other than visitors’ permits), but are subject to any maximum stay period which may be in force at any car park or on-street bay.

Off-Street Car Parks

Applies in all car parks

The current off-street car parks Order introduces a series of “flat-rate” parking charges and discounted charges which may be available to residents of the borough. Residents over 75 may be able to get a larger discount.

To qualify for the discounted rates, the driver must be registered to either the ‘Ringo’ pay by phone service or to the “RichmondCard” service. The RichmondCard is a prepaid card (similar to the ‘Oyster’ card) that communicates details of the driver and the vehicle to the pay and display machine and ensures that the correct tier of parking charges is applied.

This order includes particulars of the RichmondCard scheme and may be found on off street car parks.

On-street parking places

Applies to on-street pay and display and voucher bays.

Every on-street parking bay where pay and display charges apply or where voucher parking is available or where permit parking is provided is within a “community parking zone”. Each zone has its own parking places order which, amongst other matters, lists each parking place in that zone and defines the streets which are used to define addresses which, in turn, qualify residents who may apply for a parking permit.

Additionally, each parking places order, when first issued, contained:

  • an Article or table showing the charges payable at pay and display bays or at voucher bays (where applicable); and
  • articles relating to the use of parking permits (residents, business and operational) and the relevant charges.

Different charges apply in different zones.

For pay and display and voucher bays, charges have been varied by Notices of Variation and, in 2010, by an order (now revoked) which detailed the emissions-based charges.

The current order for charges at on-street pay and display bays and voucher bays (where applicable) may be found on the following page:

Community parking zone Traffic Management orders

On-street parking charges are discounted for residents in the same manner as for off-street car parks. The particulars of the RichmondCard scheme are to be found in the off-street order above, including any relevant amendment orders.


Applies to all ‘paid for’ permits for use in community parking zones.

This acts as an amendment or a supplement to the parking places order for each CPZ, and replaces those articles relating to the use of parking permits.

As from 1 February 2011 the charges for residents and business parking permits have been “flat-rate” charges based simply on the zone concerned and the duration of the permit (3, 6 or 12 months). An additional charge of 50% applies where a second or subsequent permit is issued to a member of a household or to a business. The order includes provisions for visitors’ permits, but charges for these have never been emissions-based.

The order which sets out the charges for parking permits may be found on the following page:

Community parking zone Traffic Management orders

Content archived

This page is part of a historical archive and will not be updated.

New or recently updated notices can be found on the new Public and traffic notices page.

There are no longer (as from 10 June 2011) any parking charges in force in the borough based on the vehicle emissions, other than unexpired permits issued before 1 February 2011. Residents’ vehicles which are “Band A” (CO2 emissions equal to or less than 100 grams per kilometre) are exempt from all parking charges and permit charges (other than visitors’ permits), but are subject to any maximum stay period which may be in force at any car park or on-street bay.

Off-Street Car Parks

Applies in all car parks

The current off-street car parks Order introduces a series of “flat-rate” parking charges and discounted charges which may be available to residents of the borough. Residents over 75 may be able to get a larger discount.

To qualify for the discounted rates, the driver must be registered to either the ‘Ringo’ pay by phone service or to the “RichmondCard” service. The RichmondCard is a prepaid card (similar to the ‘Oyster’ card) that communicates details of the driver and the vehicle to the pay and display machine and ensures that the correct tier of parking charges is applied.

This order includes particulars of the RichmondCard scheme and may be found on off street car parks.

On-street parking places

Applies to on-street pay and display and voucher bays.

Every on-street parking bay where pay and display charges apply or where voucher parking is available or where permit parking is provided is within a “community parking zone”. Each zone has its own parking places order which, amongst other matters, lists each parking place in that zone and defines the streets which are used to define addresses which, in turn, qualify residents who may apply for a parking permit.

Additionally, each parking places order, when first issued, contained:

  • an Article or table showing the charges payable at pay and display bays or at voucher bays (where applicable); and
  • articles relating to the use of parking permits (residents, business and operational) and the relevant charges.

Different charges apply in different zones.

For pay and display and voucher bays, charges have been varied by Notices of Variation and, in 2010, by an order (now revoked) which detailed the emissions-based charges.

The current order for charges at on-street pay and display bays and voucher bays (where applicable) may be found on the following page:

Community parking zone Traffic Management orders

On-street parking charges are discounted for residents in the same manner as for off-street car parks. The particulars of the RichmondCard scheme are to be found in the off-street order above, including any relevant amendment orders.


Applies to all ‘paid for’ permits for use in community parking zones.

This acts as an amendment or a supplement to the parking places order for each CPZ, and replaces those articles relating to the use of parking permits.

As from 1 February 2011 the charges for residents and business parking permits have been “flat-rate” charges based simply on the zone concerned and the duration of the permit (3, 6 or 12 months). An additional charge of 50% applies where a second or subsequent permit is issued to a member of a household or to a business. The order includes provisions for visitors’ permits, but charges for these have never been emissions-based.

The order which sets out the charges for parking permits may be found on the following page:

Community parking zone Traffic Management orders

Updated: 29 September 2023

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