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Public Health Adult Physical Activity Plan

The Public Health Adult Physical Activity Plan (PA Plan) is a key workstream under the Prevention Framework, which aims to reduce health inequalities and promote health in the borough.

Richmond is one of the most active boroughs in London. However, it is a priority to target inactive people and get them physically active for improved health and wellbeing.

Vulnerable groups

The PA Plan recognises that inactive people are likely to be:

  • Vulnerable and at risk of developing or are living with one or more long term condition(s)
  • Older and/or from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic populations, or
  • Have a low income and/or living in a part of the borough that is deprived

The PA Plan sets out to tackle physical inactivity, especially amongst the most vulnerable population groups, making best use of limited resources to deliver the largest improvement in health and wellbeing gains in the borough.

It builds on the findings from the physical activity needs assessment for the Richmond Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the case for change. It provides approaches for evidence-based interventions that are aimed at a population-level. These include health promotion and targeting specific groups most at risk, and those most impacted by COVID-19 and health inequalities.

Priorities and objectives

The PA plan also lays out the potential contribution, future priorities and key objectives for physical activity for the foreseeable future.

It seeks to make best use of existing assets and services, such as parks and sports and fitness centres, whilst also seeking new innovations, collaboration and community-led solutions and activities.

Diversity of approaches

There is not a single approach to addressing inactivity at a population level. Public Health are working with colleagues in Adult Social Care on strengths-based and preventative approaches, including increasing physical activity. This aims help older residents live a better quality of life, with improved health and wellbeing and less reliance on health and social care services.

This targeted approach as per Public Health England (now called UK Health Security Agency) recommendations is 'aimed at individuals whose reduced physical activity has led to appreciable functional loss, transition towards frailty or new fear of the wider impacts of COVID-19 on physical activity, deconditioning and falls in older adults falling, as well as individuals with post-COVID-19 syndrome (long COVID)'.

Read the plan

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Find out more

Learn about our initiatives to help people increase their physical activity.

Updated: 08 July 2024

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