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We are responsible for collecting the Mayoral and Richmond CIL in the borough. Under the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2010 (as amended), there is a duty to supply information to the Council in relation to any CIL liable development granted planning permission.   

Failure to supply the CIL Forms prior to commencement will incur surcharges and/or disqualification from relief, with potentially significant financial implications for the liable party.

Details of the forms are listed below.

Assumption of Liability

Liability should be assumed as soon as is reasonably practicable after planning permission has been granted. Under the CIL Regulations, the collecting authority may impose a surcharge of £50 for failure to assume liability.

A further £500 if it is necessary for the CIL collecting authority to apportion liability if a valid Assumption of Liability form has not been submitted prior to commencement of development.

View the Assumption of Liability form.

Commencement Notice

You must notify the CIL collecting authority before development commences of the date on which you intend to commence development by submitting a valid CIL Commencement Notice. This is in addition to any notice required in relation to Building Control Regulations.

If a valid Commencement Notice has not been submitted before development commences, a surcharge of 20% of the chargeable amount or £2,500 (whichever is the lower amount) will be imposed. The payment of the total CIL amount will be due in full on the day that the collecting authority believes the development to have commenced.

View the Commencement Notice form.

Charitable and/or Social Housing Relief Claim

If you are a charity and are undertaking development for charitable purposes or the development includes affordable housing, you must claim exemption or relief using this form to be eligible for a reduction (partial or entire) in CIL liability.

Charitable exemption and affordable (social) housing relief can only be claimed prior to the commencement of development, otherwise CIL is payable on the full development. The Mayor of London has decided not to offer discretionary charitable relief.

View the Charitable and/or Social Housing Relief Claim form.

Further Charitable and/or Social Housing Relief Claim

This form must be used to re-claim charitable or social housing relief where the development originally receiving the relief from CIL has, or is intended to be, altered in a way that changes the extent of the relief previously granted.

View the Further Charitable and/or Social Housing Relief Claim form.

Self Build Exemption Claim Form - Part 1

If you build or commission to have built a dwelling and it will be occupied as your sole or main residence you must claim exemption from the CIL chargeable amount using this form.

A claim must be made and the exemption granted by the collecting authority prior to commencement of the development or the claim for relief will lapse and the CIL will be payable in full.

You must then follow the relevant process to ensure you retain this self-build exemption.

View the Self Build Exemption Claim Form - Part 1

Further Exemption Claim

This form should be used to re-claim an exemption for self-build dwelling, a residential annex or extension where the development originally receiving the exemption from CIL has, or is intended to be, altered in a way that changes the extent of the relief previously granted. The exemption must be granted to the same person(s) now seeking a further relief.

View the Further Exemption Claim Form.

Self Build Annex or Extension Claim Form

If the development comprises a residential annex or extension, you own a material interest in the dwelling and it is your sole or main residence you must use the correct form to claim exemption from the CIL.

A claim must be made, and the exemption granted by the collecting authority prior to commencement of the development or the claim for relief will lapse and the CIL will be payable in full.

View the Self Build Annex or Extension Claim Form.

General information on CIL and all the CIL forms are available to download from the Planning Portal.

Details of the Mayoral CIL can be found on the Greater London Assembly (GLA) and the Transport for London (TfL) websites.

Further information

It is also your responsibility to notify us if:  

  • There is a change in the liable party before commencement of the development (please use the Withdrawal of Assumption of Liability followed by a new Assumption of Liability, or if development has commenced the Transfer of Assumed Liability form)
  • The liable party’s contact details change
  • If any buildings are demolished before the CIL liable date, defined below
  • If, prior to the CIL liable date (defined below), any buildings to be demolished or converted change in their eligibility to be deducted from your CIL liability. For example, if existing buildings that were 'in use' for a continuous period of at least six months cease to be 'in use' or, conversely, are brought into use

CIL liable date

The CIL liable date is the 'day planning permission first permits the chargeable development', which is defined within the CIL Regulations as the date at which development may commence.

Payment arrangements

Precise details of your payment arrangements and options will be contained in the demand notice that will be sent following submission of a valid Commencement Notice.


All CIL forms and notices must be sent to:  

  • Email:
  • Address: CIL Team, Spatial Planning, Civic Centre, 44 York Street, Twickenham, TW1 3BZ

Updated: 09 February 2024

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