Our response to Government consultations
The Council is consulted by the Government, the Greater London Authority (GLA) and partner organisations such as local housing associations.
These organisations seek our views and input, such as when they publish their own strategies or redesign services.
We feed back to our partners with local knowledge and we aim to shape their plans to accomplish the best possible outcomes for borough residents.
Our responses
- We responded to the Greater London Authority’s call for comments on the draft London Housing Strategy 2014. The Strategy sets out the Mayor of London’s long-term ambitions to provide suitable housing for Londoners across all London boroughs. We responded in detail
(pdf, 107KB) and also summarised our contribution in a covering letter
(pdf, 93KB).
- We responded by letter
(pdf, 72KB), to the Department for Communities and Local Government’s call for evidence, on the role of a Local Authority in influencing housing supply.
- We gave feedback
(pdf, 143KB) to the London Assembly on their report calling for more retirement housing to be built in London.
- We responded
(pdf, 126KB) to the Department for Communities and Local Government's consultation on a proposal to reserve a proportion of social housing units for households who are moving for employment reasons.
Up to: Housing strategy and policy
Updated: 14 September 2020
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