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Air quality review and assessment - second stage

The Stage 2 report for the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, has taken the findings of the initial screening from the Stage 1 report and provided a further screening of those pollutants which were deemed to be most significant in terms of air quality in the Council’s area. To do this the following main sources of data have been examined in accordance with the prescriptive methods of the DETR guidance:

On the basis of the conclusions of the Stage 1 report, the Council has undertaken Stage 2 of the Local Air Quality Management Review and Assessment process for these three pollutants only and concluded, after further screening that no further action be taken for the following pollutant:

Carbon Monoxide

Conclusion of the report

However, the Stage 2 report concludes that the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames should proceed to a Stage 3 Review and Assessment for the remaining pollutants:

  • Nitrogen Dioxide
  • PM10

More information

To receive a copy of the Stage 2 Report please e-mail or telephone 020 8891 7729

Updated: 12 February 2018

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