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Report terrorist activity

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How to raise concerns about someone being vulnerable to extremism or involved in terrorism.

If you are concerned that someone you know or are working with is vulnerable to extremist ideologies, being exploited or at risk of becoming involved in the support of terrorism:

  • Make a referral to Children's or Adults safeguarding services at the Council, or speak to a trusted professional, such as a teacher, social worker, local police officer, or GP
  • Contact the anti-terrorism hotline on 0800 789 321 to report. The hotline is staffed 24/7. Even if you are not sure of what is happening, you can tell your concerns to the specially trained officers who can look into it
  • Call 999 if you suspect immediate danger
  • Call 101 to speak to your local police in a non-emergency
  • Report possible terrorism activity online to the Police by using an online form
  • Call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, if you want to give information anonymously

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Report online terrorist activity

If you have found illegal terrorist materials, websites, pictures or videos on the internet, you can report it to the MET Police. The report can be made anonymously.

Report online terrorism (MET Police)

Stay Safe advice

The National Counter Terrorism police have produced Stay Safe, a short public safety film, that provides advice to the public around steps that they can take if you find yourself involved in a firearms or weapons attack.

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Updated: 03 November 2020

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