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This is part of a local history note on Richmond Green properties. See the start of this local history note.

These premises form a Grade I group. They occupy the site of the Convent of The Observant Friars.

The Oak House

Grade II (1771/4 Rental Survey number 29)

Brown brick house which appears to have been constructed at the same time as its neighbours. It has a fine interior around 1760 which has been attributed to Sir Robert Taylor, who was the architect of Asgill House (See local history note on Asgill House). It was used as the headquarters of the Richmond branch of the YMCA 1897 to 1915.

Old Palace Place

Grade II (1771/4 Rental Survey number 29)

Built around 1700, it stands on the site of a 16th century timber and plaster building, remnants of which were discovered during the First World War when the house was used as a Red Cross Hospital. For a time at the beginning of the 20th century the house was divided in two, the left hand section being known as Abbotsdene. Lord Kenneth Clark lived here between 1930 and 1932 and combined the two houses. The original bread ovens are in the basement. The south west corner of the house is Tudor dating back to around 1580 and consist of a vaulted basement with an original Tudor fireplace, a Tudor bedroom with a powder-room and an impressive beamed galleried landing.

Old Friars

Grade II (1771/4 Rental Survey number 28)

It is thought to have been built in 1687, the date marked on a rainwater head, and refronted around 1700. There is an extension on the right, Beaver Lodge, which was once used as a concert room built around 1740. The Daily Courant 14th May 1722 carried an advertisement for an entertainment held here: "Richard E. Marriott, one of the proprietors last year of the Richmond Wells, has removed from thence to the Great Room upon the Green which is now made very commodious for the reception of the ladies and gentlemen and will be opened…during the summer season with a good set of music mornings and evenings." During the latter part of the 19th century the house was the headquarters of the Richmond Liberal and Radical Club. Since 1950 it has been the home of Lord Richard Attenborough and his family.

Friars Way

(1771/4 Rental Survey number 27)

A 19th century house standing on the site of one built around 1750. Until 1958 it was known as Queensberry Cottage.

Updated: 22 October 2020

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