Thames Water urged to take action to address burst main at Manor Circus
9 November 2023
The Leader of Richmond Council, Cllr Gareth Roberts, has called on Thames Water to take swift action to repair a major main leak at Manor Circus which is disrupting the A316 corridor roadworks.
He said:
“Thames Water needs to take its responsibilities seriously and to improve its response to works when they arise. There have been too many instances this year where works have not been managed well enough to meet the standards expected for residents.
“Our borough deserves reliable services which means it is vital Thames Water’s water and sewage systems are resilient to the pressures of population growth and climate change. Whilst we understand this requires upgrades to ageing infrastructure, Thames Water must ensure their works cause minimal disruption and repairs are completed in a timely manner.
“When we are currently facing proposals such as the Teddington Direct River Abstraction project to tackle shortages, it is unimaginable that water wastage of this severity can be left untreated to create such an adverse impact on the wider network.
“Residents and commuters are already inconvenienced due to TfL’s A316 planned works and this further disruption is causing a lot of frustration due to the significant traffic delays, especially at the start and end of the day.
“To this end, the Council will continue monitoring this closely and working with Thames Water to expedite maintenance works so it can be put right without any further delay.”
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Up to: November 2023
Updated: 9 November 2023
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