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Host families needed for Twinning Reaffirmation Weekend celebrations in June

16 January 2025

In partnership with the Richmond in Europe Association, we are looking for residents interested in hosting visitors from Konstanz, Germany and Fontainebleau, France, who will be travelling to attend a weekend of local celebrations marking the reaffirmation of our longstanding twinning agreement this June.

From 6 to 8 June 2025, the ‘Celebrating France and Germany’ weekend event will feature borough-wide activities organised by local societies, organisations, clubs and networks partnered with peers in our twinned towns. Many visitors from both places, including the Mayors of Konstanz and Fontainebleau, are expected to attend. This will be a great opportunity to bring our communities together promoting cultural, educational and sporting links. 

To provide guests with additional options for accommodation, we are looking for locals who might be interested in hosting an individual, couple or family during the weekend. If you would like to participate or simply find out more, please email

If you put yourself forward, your contact information and the number of people you are willing to accommodate will be shared with our collaborative teams in Konstanz and Fontainebleau, who will facilitate arrangements to be made privately by those concerned. This could include a reciprocal accommodation arrangement for those interested in visiting Konstanz or Fontainebleau in future. 

Find out more about our twinned towns and cultural links

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Up to: January 2025

Updated: 16 January 2025

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