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Share your ideas for the proposed new group exercise studio at Pools on the Park

5 February 2024

We have approved plans for a new group exercise studio at Pools on the Park to enable greater community activity and improve access to services. This is part of the work to promote healthier, more active lifestyles for all our residents.

Group exercise sessions at Pools on the Park are often fully booked. The new facilities will also see improvements to the changing facilities and will increase the popular leisure centre’s capacity to deliver a wider and more inclusive range of activity.

Over the last 18 months, we have been gathering information for the development of our new Leisure, Sports and Physical Activity Strategy. This has included hearing from residents to understand the barriers they face in accessing leisure opportunities and facilities they would benefit from. The proposed new facilities at Pools on the Park will support the delivery of schemes that will be proposed as part of the strategy, such as Exercise on Referral and Active Living. 

The new group exercise studio will provide a space that our leisure services and activity providers from within the community can use to deliver classes. To help us shape the schedule, we want to hear what kind of activities you would like to be able to access at Pools on the Park. It could be anything from chair yoga to kickboxing! Or if you are a local instructor interested in using the space, please also let us know. 

Building work on the new studio will start later this year, but if you are interested in discovering new ways to be more active now, you can check the Richmond Moves campaign. It has convenient ways to help you become more active, more often. 

Share your ideas by completing the online survey before 28 February.

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Up to: February 2024

Updated: 5 February 2024

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