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Below are responses to questions about the Twickenham Riverside project.

If you have any questions which are not covered on this page, please contact the Corporate Project Office.

The current programme

These are the key milestones, which may be subject to change.

Current milestones Date
Procurement starting Early 2024
Signing pre services contract agreement Mid 2024
Demolition of existing buildings on site Mid 2024
Signing main construction contract End 2024/early 2025
Start on site Early 2025
Scheme complete Mid 2027

The latest design

The design that received planning permission can be found on the planning pages.

What is happening with parking, transport, access and servicing?

We made the decision to remove parking from the Embankment in order to open up the riverside to all residents and prioritise people over cars. This decision was taken by Committee in November 2020. A plan has been developed to help mitigate the loss of these spaces and we continue to engage with local stakeholders on this. See the June 2021 Transport and Air Quality Committee report on this subject.

Why is the Council stopping up some of the embankment?

To deliver the scheme and all its benefits the Council is having to stop up some of the existing highway on the Embankment. Vehicles will be able to move along the Embankment between 7 to 10am. This will be managed through a Traffic Management Order.

How many residential units will there be?

There will be 45 residential units across the two buildings, 50% of which will be affordable homes by habitable room. It is proposed that the affordable homes will be 81% rented, and 19% shared ownership.

Will you be bringing a developer on board?

It is the Council's intention to develop the scheme itself and is currently out to procurement for a building contractor.

How will the new scheme accommodate cyclists?

It is one of our ambitions to ensure that this site is accessible for all, including those who favour active modes of transport. Information on the cycle routes can be found in the planning application documents.

How will the design improve connections between the high street and the river?

The design has significantly widened Water Lane pedestrian footway and provides views of Eel Pie Island bridge from King Street. It is hoped that the view, the inviting architecture, public open space and design in conjunction with retail units on Water Lane will draw people down towards the riverside.

The riverside will also be host to a variety of activities, with a new events space and river activity zone, further strengthening the sites position as a destination spot and encouraging people to come and enjoy both the riverside and Twickenham.

How will the design attract children and young people?

The design includes a variety of amenities for children and young people, including a play area, natural play, open lawn, pétanque pitches with a chess table and chairs and river activity zone. There will also be plenty space to relax. We hope young people will enjoy and use the open space to socialise and participate in recreational activities as well as benefitting from improved lighting and natural surveillance which was noted as a key concern for young people on the current site.

Will the Council re-provide the Diamond Jubilee Gardens?

Yes, we will be re-providing the Diamond Jubilee Gardens. Open space is central to the scheme and the design will provide an increased amount of Public Open Space. The Gardens will be set out across the central space, starting with the top tiered lawns, children’s play area, pétanque pitches and seating areas and will then flow down the terraced lawns and terraced steps to the Town Square events space on the Embankment.  

Is the scheme going to be sustainable?

The scheme will be BREEAM Excellent.

What is the latest on the CPO?

On Thursday 9 November 2023 the Compulsory Purchase Order was confirmed by the Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State and on the same date the Secretary of State issued the Section 19 Certificate.

Does the Council have the money to deliver the project?

At its meeting on 19 January 2023 the Finance, Policy and Resources Committee approved the capital budget to deliver the scheme. See the committee report and minutes.

Updated: 07 October 2024

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