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Achieving for Children (AfC) is a community interest company (a not-for-profit social enterprise) created in 2014 by the Royal Borough of Kingston and the London Borough of Richmond to provide their children’s services.

In 2017, the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead joined AfC as a third owner, and AfC now delivers social care, education and health services to children and young people across all three boroughs.

AfC's mission is to provide children and their families with the support and services they need to live happy, healthy and successful lives.

Their broad service offer is informed by leading professional practice and a strong evidence-base of what works best. It is guided by their daily work with children and young people and the organisations it works with.

As a social enterprise, AfC has the independence and flexibility to tailor innovative solutions to the needs of children and their families, whilst maintaining a strong bond and deep commitment to society and public service.

AfC works closely with Kingston, Richmond and Windsor & Maidenhead councils to set priorities and ensure that children's services remain an integral part of the local public sector offer across all three boroughs.

Find out more on the AfC website

Contact AfC

See AfC's contact details.

Updated: 29 February 2024

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