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The Stag Brewery redevelopment planning applications will be heard at the Council’s Planning Committee.

Date and time

The meeting takes place on Wednesday 29 January 2020, at 7pm.


The meeting will be held in public at Clarendon Hall, York House, Twickenham. There are a limited number of public seats available, which will be provided on a first come, first served basis, with priority given to registered speakers.

Agenda and documents

The Committee Agenda, including Officer Report, is available for inspection online:

You can also view documents relating to the application:


All comments received to date have been summarised in the Officer Report. Further representations will be accepted up until noon on the day before the meeting. These will be summarised in an Addendum and tabled at the Planning Committee.

How you can speak at the meeting

You can apply to speak at the Planning Committee.

If you do not register your wish to speak before 12 noon on the day before the meeting you will not be allowed to speak.

There are 3 separate planning applications for the redevelopment of the Stag Brewery site, including off-site highway works at Chalkers Corner which are necessary to enable the redevelopment of the Stag Brewery site. All three applications are intrinsically linked and so will be discussed as one item at Planning Committee. The Planning Committee will then vote on each application individually.

Please note that speakers should arrive at 6.30pm to liaise with the Committee Clerk.

Summary of the process

Read general information about the Council's Planning Committee, including procedural rules.

Live streaming

The Planning Committee will be streamed live online.


Once Planning Committee has resolved to make its decision, LBRuT is required to refer the applications to the Mayor at the Greater London Authority to decide whether to allow LBRuT’s decision to stand, to direct refusal, or to take over the application as the Local Planning Authority. Read further information about this process.

Following this, the Local Planning Authority must then consult the National Planning Casework Unit (Secretary of State), who will decide whether planning permission should be granted. 

Updated: 16 January 2020

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