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Your broadband and mobile signal strengths


We want our borough to be amongst the best connected in the country, with high speed broadband available for all.

We all know how frustrating it can be when we haven’t got a decent mobile signal, or our home or business broadband can’t cope with the demands we place on it. Decent digital connectivity is increasingly seen as essential to living our everyday lives.

There is strength in numbers. We can’t fix your broadband or mobile issues, but where provision is poor we can pool this local knowledge, pass it on to suppliers and push for them to take action. We can’t guarantee that they will do this, but we do know that if there is a commercial benefit to them they will take notice, and potentially accelerate their roll out plans.

The following links provide more information about mobile and broadband issues:

Tell us your connectivity issues

Use this form to provide us with details of your current broadband or mobile signal issues. We will use this information to provide an anonymised view of local problems within the borough to broadband and mobile providers.

Please note that neither the Council nor any providers are able to enter into an individual dialogue on these issues.

Report signal issues

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