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Respond to a minor traffic or parking proposal

Use this form to give your opinion about a minor traffic or parking proposal.

Before you start

This form should only be used to respond to a proposal identified by a 7 digit proposal reference number.

For general information about traffic or safety issues, visit our roads and transport pages.

You will need

  • The 7-digit proposal reference number 'Our Ref' found in your letter or Traffic Order notice
  • Details of any comments or questions you have about the proposal
  • An electronic copy of any documents or photos to support your response
  • Your contact details

What happens next

If you make any comments, these will be reported to your Ward Councillors at the close of the proposal and a decision will be made on what action to take.

If you ask any questions, these will be directed to an officer who will respond within 7 working days.

Start my response

Updated: 27 November 2019

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