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Stag Brewery planning application

There are three applications that have been submitted for the site. You can view all applications submitted online and a hard copy is available at East Sheen Library.


There are three applications to be considered. If the applications are successful, they will be linked via a Section 106 legal agreement.  For example, the school will be unable to open or a level of housing could not be occupied prior to the works at Chalkers Corner being fully implemented.

Application A

Application A is a hybrid application which incorporates the demolition of the whole site in one phase (excluding the buildings of townscape merit), and then proposes the master plan for the site.

A hybrid application is an application that incorporates two parts:

  • An application which is partly in full detail, where the site layout, floor plans, elevations are all known as is the amount of residential units, car parking spaces, floor space etc.
  • An application which is partly in outline, whereby the local planning authority is essentially considering the principle of the proposed development.  In this case, no floor plans or elevations, have been submitted. However, a design code and perimeter plans have been provided, which set out the maximum depth, width and heights or the building.

View Application A

Application B

Application B is the planning application for the proposed school which has been separated from the masterplan as this site will be passed onto the Education and Skills Funding Agency and have its own time frames and contractors.

View Application B

Application C

Application C is for the proposed works at Chalkers Corner and given the distance between Chalkers Corner and the Stag Brewery site, it needed its own application. 

View Application C

Notification of applications

The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order sets out the publicity requirements of the planning applications. In the case of the applications at The Stag Brewery and Chalkers Corner, this would include a site notice and publication in a newspaper circulating in the locality. 

Given the significance of the applications, the local planning authority has significantly gone beyond the statutory publicity requirements:

  • Notification of the application will be published in the Richmond and Twickenham Times on 13 April
  • 7 site notices have been displayed within the locality
  • 10,181 notification letters (pdf, 103 KB) have been posted to residents, businesses and associations in the locality

Copies of the site notices and neighbour notification letters are available.

Comment on an application

You can comment on an application online or contact us directly:

Find out more about commenting on a planning application.

The Local Planning Authority can only take into account material planning considerations. Find out more about valid reasons to object

Time scales to comment

Neighbours are usually consulted for 21 days. However, in this case the local planning authority has extended this to 30 days.

Whilst the local planning authority does accept representations up to when the application is heard by Committee, it is requested that representations are submitted in a timely manner within the 30 day period. This allows the case officer to raise representation responses with the applicants, and where necessary seek amendments during the application process.

The press notice and site notices will be published on the 13 April, a week after the neighbour notification letters were dispatched. Whilst this is not ideal, we are governed by the deadlines of the press. Therefore whilst the letters will be requesting representations to be submitted by 6 May, the site notice will be requesting representations to be submitted by 13 May. The Local Planning Authority will accept the latest of these dates, 13 May.

Assessing the application

The schemes will be assessed against local, regional and national planning policies and guidance. The key documents include:

The process

Step 1: Application is received

Step 2: The application goes through the validation process.  

Step 3: Once validated, the consultation process begins.  

  • The local planning authority has sent out approximately 10,181 letters to residents, posted 7 site notices in the locality, and published notice of the application on the Richmond and Twickenham Times.  
  • The local planning authority will notify all statutory and non-statutory consultees.  This will include the Greater London Authority for Stage 1 review.

Step 4: The case officer will review all representations submitted.

Step 5: The case officer will have meetings with the applicants to highlight issues and if necessary where amendments are sought.

Step 6: Where there are significant amendments, a further consultation process with residents and relevant consultees will be undertaken. This will be a 14 day period.

Step 7: The case officer will draft the Committee Report, taking into account all representations received. The report will assess the application against development plan policies and make a recommendation for decision.

Step 8: A committee date will be set.

Step 9: Committee invite letters will be sent to all those who submitted an objection, letter of support or general observation.  The letter will identity when the committee will be, where it will be, and the process if you would like to speak and address the committee.

Step 10: The application will be heard by the planning committee. The committee will vote as to whether they support or reject the recommendation.

Step 11: The application will be referred to the Greater London Authority and potentially the National Planning Casework Unit, who will direct the final decision.

The decision

The Government sets targets for the determination of planning applications. In this case, the Local Planning Authority has a target of 16 weeks from the validation of the applications, which was 29 March 2018 so the target date is 19 July 2018. However, if the local planning authority and the applicant are in agreement, this can be extended.

To make a decision the local planning authority will make a recommendation to our Planning Committee. Given the size and nature of the development, the application will then be referred to the Greater London Authority for a Stage 2 Review.

Following this, the application may need to be referred to the National Planning Casework Unit.

Updated: 21 March 2022

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