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Prior Notification Class A, Part 1, Schedule 2

Householders are able to build larger single-storey rear extensions under permitted development, subject to limitations, conditions and land designations (outside a conservation area and not within a site of special scientific interest). The size limits double from 4 metres to 8 metres in length for detached houses, and from 3 metres to 6 metres for all other houses. However, these new larger extensions must go through a prior notification application with the local planning authority. There are more guidance notes available on the Planning Portal.

Prior notification process

The prior notification process will involve the local planning authority, on receipt of all necessary information, notifying the owners/occupiers of any adjoining property. Where an adjoining owner or occupier objects, the prior approval of the local planning authority is required as to the impact of the development on the amenity of any adjoining property. When considering the impact, the local planning authority will take into account any representations received.

No development can begin before the occurrence of one of the following:

  • Written notice from the local planning authority to the developer that prior approval is not required
  • Written consideration from the local planning authority giving prior approval
  • The expiry of 42 days following the date the local planning authority received notification, without the local planning authority notifying the developer as to whether prior approval is given or refused

The development must be carried out in accordance with the details approved (where prior approval is required), or in accordance with the details provided with the notification (unless the local planning authority and the developer agreed otherwise).

Applicants are advised any of these larger extensions (as defined above), are still required to accord with all other relevant limitations and conditions, as set out in Class A, Part 1 Schedule 2 of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015. The local planning authority can refuse an application where, in the opinion of the authority, the development does not comply with the conditions, limitations and restrictions of Class A.

What information do I need to submit a notification application?

Notification of a ‘larger extension’ within the curtilage of a dwelling house  The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (As Amended) Class A, Part 1, Schedule 2.

Before beginning the development, the applicant/developer shall provide the following information to the local planning authority.

1. Developer’s Contact Details

  • Name
  • Contact address (house number, street name, town, county, post code)
  • Contact phone number
  • Email address if the developer is content to receive communications electronically

2. Written description of the proposed development, including:

  • How far the enlarged part of the dwelling house extends beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house;
  • The maximum height of the enlarged part of the dwelling house (measured externally above natural ground level); and
  • The height of the eaves of the enlarged part of the dwelling house. (Eaves height is measured from the natural ground level at the base of the outside wall to the point where the wall would meet the upper surface of the roof (where a sloping roof is proposed), or where the wall would meet the upper surface of the flat roof (where a flat roof is proposed)

3. Details of site:

  • A plan which identifies the land to which the application relates
  • A plan indicating the proposed extension

It is important to note that if an objection is received, the local planning authority is required to consider the impact of the development on the amenity of all adjoining premises. If the local planning authority considers the information submitted is insufficient to assess this impact, they may ask for more information, or they may refuse prior approval on the basis that the information submitted fails to demonstrate that the impact would be acceptable.

To reduce the likeliness of the latter, it is recommended you submit the following information at this initial notification stage:

  • Existing and proposed block plan of the site (e.g. at a scale of 1:200 – 1:500)
  • Existing and proposed elevations (e.g. at a scale of 1:100 or 1:50)
  • Existing and proposed floor plans (e.g. at a scale of 1:100 or 1:50)
  • Existing and proposed site sections and finished floor and site levels (e.g. at a scale of 1:100)

4. The addresses of any adjoining premises (those to side and at rear)

The full postal address of all adjoining properties. Enter the:

  • House/flat number and/or name (if appropriate)
  • Street name
  • Town, county
  • Country
  • Full post code

Updated: 29 July 2019

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