My Account
  • Rank General
  • Force: Madras Engineers
  • VC Won: Munidscore, Indian Mutiny 21 November 1857
  • Born Madras: India, 15 October 1834
  • Died: Heron Court, Richmond upon Thames, Surrey, 24 July 1913
  • Location of VC: Royal Engineers Museum, Chatham
  • Grave: Richmond Cemetery, Grave number 1502, Section M

Accounts of Deeds

On 21 November 1857, at Mundiscore, India, Harry saved the life of another lieutenant at the risk of his own, by attempting to cut down a Velaitee who was covering the officer with his piece from only a few yards to the rear. Lieutenant Prendergast was wounded in this action by the discharge of the piece, and would have probably been killed if the rebel had not been killed by a major who came to the rescue.

Lieutenant Prendergast also distinguished himself by his gallantry in the actions at Ratgurh and Betwa, when he was severely wounded.

Updated: 08 July 2016

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