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If an adult is in danger first ensure they are safe.

If emergency help is needed dial 999. If you suspect criminal abuse is involved contact the Police by dialling 101.

If you are the victim of abuse, or you know someone who you think is at risk, or has been abused, then it is important to get help.

You can report your concerns to our Adult Social Care team by completing our online form.

Report a concern online

This information is for anyone concerned about the welfare of an adult.

When completing the form, you will be asked for:

  • Your name
  • Your telephone
  • Your email address (this is to provide you with a copy of the information you have submitted)
  • Details of your concern (including information of other people involved)

These details are to help us make further enquiries and to contact you again if necessary. Please include as much information as possible, this helps us make an informed decision.

Your details will be kept strictly confidential.

Report a concern

What happens next?

Once you report the suspected abuse we will look carefully at the situation. This may lead to a full investigation which follows our Adult Safeguarding Policy and Procedures (pdf, 1.5 MB) and may involve health services and the Police.

We will then take steps to:

  • Ensure the adult at risk is protected in the future
  • Speak to the Police if a criminal offence has been committed.

Updated: 28 March 2023

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