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Subject: Initial Archaeology report and Bat Survey

Reference: LBR-FOI-00639

...please could we ask you or one of your colleagues to now supply the initial Archaeology report. The council FoI email has also been included in this request.

... when asked about the required bat survey in the planning conditions you indicated you thought you would have the report but would have to check as there were many reports. Please could you confirm if you have the report and if so could we also request a copy,


None Disclosed - 17 February 2023

We are not sure what is meant by the 'initial Archaeology report', but the Archaeological Desk Based Assessment submitted as part of the original planning application can be viewed on the Councils website here:

A Written Scheme of Investigation for an Archaeological Evaluation has subsequently been submitted to support discharge of condition application 21/2533/DD02, which is available to view on the Councils website here:

In terms of the bat survey required by the planning condition, a letter from BSG ecology has been submitted to support application 21/2533/DD02, which outlines further survey findings. This can be found at the above link.

This information is considered exempt under Section 21 - Information accessible to applicant by other means. Under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act, we are not obliged to provide the information you have requested as it is reasonably accessible by other means.

Please note that our responses were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of release, and have not subsequently been updated. This information should be considered an historical record only.