My Account


Subject: Housing

Reference: LBR-FOI-00573

  • How many people are living in local authority homes (council housing) in your local authority?

  • How many evictions have there been for rent arrears in:

    1. 2020

    2. 2021

    3. 2022

    4. So far in 2023


Full Disclosure - 31 January 2023

Your Request:

  • How many people are living in local authority homes (council housing) in your local authority?

  • How many evictions have there been for rent arrears in:




    4.So far in 2023

    Our Response:

    Not applicable, as Richmond Council has no housing stock.

Please note that our responses were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of release, and have not subsequently been updated. This information should be considered an historical record only.