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Subject: Removal of Pay and Display Machines

Reference: LBR-FOI-00358

What were the reasons for the decision taken at the TAQ committee on March 2020 to remove all pay and display machines ?


Full Disclosure - 12 January 2023

The reasons are provided in paragraphs 4.20 and 4.21 of the Committee report (link below):

Extract of paragraphs:

'4.20 All 'paid for' spaces are now operated via the 'Pay and Display' ticket machine system and/or the 'Pay by Phone' system. Since its introduction, the 'Pay By Phone' system has shown a considerable increase in usage. During October 2013 18,543 on-street parking sessions were purchased and in January 2020 this figure rose to 81,125 parking sessions purchased. Recently this system replaced the old 'parking voucher' system that was in place in six CPZs.

4.21 It is proposed that all on-street visitor spaces (including shared-use permit holder / visitor spaces) be operated under the 'Pay By Phone' system. It is also proposed to phase out the use of pay and display machines by 2025 where possible in favour of more secure alternatives, that is, to reduce street Official clutter, to improve operational reliability and day to day running costs of CPZs.'

Please note that our responses were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of release, and have not subsequently been updated. This information should be considered an historical record only.